
This document presents features of the Thumbnailer project.

As described in About Thumbnailer, the project is an ecosystem made of several components. So some features are, in fact, features of ecosystem parts.

Key features

  • Open source;
  • Simple but powerful API;
  • Extensible;
  • Easy to deploy.


Feature: Get a thumbnail
  To get a thumbnail of an image
  As a user
  I want to send access an url and get my thumbnail

  Scenario: With an image to resize into a box
    Given /<engine>/?url=<url>&width=<width>&height=<height>
	When I access the api url
	Then I get my image at max size <width>x<height>
      | engine    | url												| width | height |
      | scale     | http://localhost:8000/images/horizontal.jpg 	|  800  |  600   |
      | scale     | http://localhost:8000/images/vertical.jpg		|  200  |  300   |
      | scale	  | http://localhost:8000/images/vertical.jpg		|  200  |    0   |
      | scale     | http://localhost:8000/images/vertical.jpg		|    0  |  200   |
      | document  | http://localhost:8000/documents/document.pdf	|  500  |  500   |

  Scenario: With an image to crop
    Given /<engine>/?url=<url>&width=<width>&height=<height>
	When I access the api url
	Then I get my image at size <width>x<height>
      | engine    | url                                         	| width | height |
      | crop      | http://localhost:8000/images/horizontal.jpg 	|  800  |  600   |
      | crop      | http://localhost:8000/images/vertical.jpg   	|  200  |  300   |
      | upscale   | http://localhost:8000/images/horizontal.jpg 	|  600  |  600   |
      | upscale   | http://localhost:8000/images/vertical.jpg   	|  600  |  500   |